Warrants Compare
19544 MS-HKEX@EP2411A
  • with
  • or
  • Warrants Code
  • Warrants Name
  • Issuer
  • Underlying
  • Type
  • Warrants Price
  • Strike Price
  • Conversion Ratio
  • Board Lot
  • Delta
  • Daily Theta
  • Gearing
  • Premium
  • Effective Gearing
  • Implied Volatility
  • Maturity (Y/M/D)
  • Last Trading Date (Y/M/D)
  • Time to Maturity
  • Synchronization index
  • Total Circulation (M Shares)
  • Outstanding (M Shares)
  • Outstanding (%)
  • 30-days Hist. Vol.
  • ITM /OTM
  • 19544 
  • MS-HKEX@EP2411A 
  • MS 
  • HKEX 
  • Put 
  • 0.161 
  • 249.80 
  • 100 
  • 10,000 
  • 56.28% 
  • -0.67% 
  • 15.01 
  • 3.27% 
  • 8.45 
  • 29.3 
  • 24/11/26 
  • 24/11/20 
  • 67 Days 
  • 80,000,000 
  • 0.840 
  • 1.05 
  • 23.90% 
  • 3.39 ITM 
Last Update Time: 2024-09-20 16:35(15 Mins Delayed)